Saturday, December 1, 2012

Jennifer Goes to Korea 1 - 제니퍼 한국가다 1

Hi, all!   
Some of you know that I am in Korea (한국)! Yay~!

As soon as I arrived at Incheon International Airport (인천국제공항), I could see stylish interior of Incheon ariport and smell some delicious Korean food already. You know I like to eat.        ^ 0 ^ Haha.

Ohh~! I followed music. Suprisingly, there was an open music concert held on the stage in the center of the airport. I hope that Dulles airport has this type of music concert for the travelers who are bored enough with surfing the web with their cell phones. :)
First night, my family went to a diner for taxi drivers (기사식당) in Yang-Cheon dong in Seoul. We have diners for interstate truck drivers in the U.S., but Koreans have diners for taxi drivers. I have heard the food in 기사식당 is quite good and have gone 기사식당 for the first time, I was little excited.

My expectation was not ruined after all. I ordered kimchi stew 김치찌개- a spicy stew mixed with kimchi and 5-layer pork. 김치찌개 definitely boosts my energy after 14 hour almost-non-sleep airplane ride. \ ^ ^ /


Then I attended church service where I dozed off more than half of the time, then I went straight asleep~! Ooh...what a day.
I will share juciy details of trip to Korea with you more later~!

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