Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Korean Class- Vocabulary

Korean Words / Pronunciation  / Definition

잡채 /  jap-chae /  sweet potato starch noodle
야채 / yah-chae / vegetables
버섯 / buh-seot / mushroom
쇠고기 / swee-go-gi / beef
당근 / dang-geun / carrot
양파 / yang-pah / onion
시금치 / si-geum-chi / spinach
통깨 / tong-kkae / sesame
간장 / gahn-jang / soy sauce
설탕 / seol-tang / sugar
다진 마늘 / dah-jin-mah-neul / minced garlic
소금 / sau-geum / salt
후추 / who-choo / black papper
참기름 / cham-gi-leum / sesame oil
물 / mool / water
사나이 / sah-nah-ee / a guy
여자 / yeo-jah / a woman
오빠 / ooh-ppah / older brother or a girl calling her boyfriend who is older than her
낮& 밤 / not & bom/ day & night
아름다워 / ah-leum-dah-wuh / looks beutiful
사랑스러워 / sah-lang-seu-luh-wuh / looks lovely
지금부터 / ji-geum-boo-tuh / from now
머리 / meo-li / hair
근육 / geun-yook / muscle
오랜만이다 / oh-len-mahn-ee-dah / it's been a while not seeing you.
수업 / soo-up / a class
밥은 먹었구? / bob-eun-muck-ut-goo? / did you eat?
스타일이 좀 변했는데? / seu-tah-il-ee-jaum-byun-hat-neun-dae? / Your style has been changed a bit.
안 본 사이에 예뻐졌다. / ahn-baun-sah-ee-eh-yeh-ppeo-jut-dah / You became pretty when I did not see you for a while.
라면 / lah-myeon / ramen
러시아 / luh-si-ah / Russia
도로 / doh-loh / road
비료 / bi-lyoh / fertilizer
루비 / loo-bi / ruby
가루 / gah-loo / powder
하루 / hah-loo / one day
한류 / han-lyu / Korean wave
피리를 불다 / pi-li-leul-bool-dah / blow a flute or piccolo (verb)
추석 / choo-seok / harvest festival in Korea
송편 / song-pyeon / rice cake for harvest festival
 / tteok / rice cake in general
가구 / gah-goo / furniture
그네 / geuh-neh / swing
학교 / hok-gyeo / school
고기 / go-gi / meat in general
나비 / nah-bi / butterfly
노란색 / no-lon-saek / yellow
주무시다 / joo-moo-si-dah / (someone who is older than you) sleep (verb)
드시다 / deu-si-dah / (someone who is older than you) eat (verb)
자녀 / jah-nyeo / children
너구리 / neo-goo-li / racoon
도둑 / doh-dook / thief
다시 / dah-si / again
드디어 / deu-di-uh / finally
두근두근 / doo-geun-doo-geun / heart's pounding sound
드라마 / deu-lah-mah / drama
마디 / mah-di / joint
간디 / gahn-di / Gandi
우유 / ooh-you / milk
좋아 / joe-ah / like (verb)
커피 / keo-pee / coffee
싫어 / si-leo / dislike (verb)
세상 / seh-sahng / world
아빠 / ah-ppah / father
아기 / ah-gi / baby
엄마 / um-mah / mother
뚱뚱해 / ttoong-ttoong-hae / be fat
날씬해 / nal-ssin-hae / be slim
귀여워 / gwe-yeo-wuh / be cute

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