Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Videos from Apr.10 class

Click the link to watch Gomsemari song by 현준: http://youtu.be/vrIbUKlBgG0
Click the link to watch Gomsemari song  by 린:  http://youtu.be/hprC7a-3BVs
Click the link to watch how-to-put-a-Tae-Kwon-Do belt by teacher 광무: http://youtu.be/cwNXe3stcYo
Click the link to watch Stretching necessary, but little painful for Taekwondo: http://youtu.be/kRnB1SljWvY
Click the link to watch Taekwondo 10 teps: http://youtu.be/I8Z5SNhuCKE

I loved 강인's Gomsemari performance but we failed to record his version of Gomsemari. But it was the most interestingly recreated Gomsemari dance. We only have his pic. Sorry. :(

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