Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Korean Class- Vocabulary

Korean Words / Pronunciation  / Definition

잡채 /  jap-chae /  sweet potato starch noodle
야채 / yah-chae / vegetables
버섯 / buh-seot / mushroom
쇠고기 / swee-go-gi / beef
당근 / dang-geun / carrot
양파 / yang-pah / onion
시금치 / si-geum-chi / spinach
통깨 / tong-kkae / sesame
간장 / gahn-jang / soy sauce
설탕 / seol-tang / sugar
다진 마늘 / dah-jin-mah-neul / minced garlic
소금 / sau-geum / salt
후추 / who-choo / black papper
참기름 / cham-gi-leum / sesame oil
물 / mool / water
사나이 / sah-nah-ee / a guy
여자 / yeo-jah / a woman
오빠 / ooh-ppah / older brother or a girl calling her boyfriend who is older than her
낮& 밤 / not & bom/ day & night
아름다워 / ah-leum-dah-wuh / looks beutiful
사랑스러워 / sah-lang-seu-luh-wuh / looks lovely
지금부터 / ji-geum-boo-tuh / from now
머리 / meo-li / hair
근육 / geun-yook / muscle
오랜만이다 / oh-len-mahn-ee-dah / it's been a while not seeing you.
수업 / soo-up / a class
밥은 먹었구? / bob-eun-muck-ut-goo? / did you eat?
스타일이 좀 변했는데? / seu-tah-il-ee-jaum-byun-hat-neun-dae? / Your style has been changed a bit.
안 본 사이에 예뻐졌다. / ahn-baun-sah-ee-eh-yeh-ppeo-jut-dah / You became pretty when I did not see you for a while.
라면 / lah-myeon / ramen
러시아 / luh-si-ah / Russia
도로 / doh-loh / road
비료 / bi-lyoh / fertilizer
루비 / loo-bi / ruby
가루 / gah-loo / powder
하루 / hah-loo / one day
한류 / han-lyu / Korean wave
피리를 불다 / pi-li-leul-bool-dah / blow a flute or piccolo (verb)
추석 / choo-seok / harvest festival in Korea
송편 / song-pyeon / rice cake for harvest festival
 / tteok / rice cake in general
가구 / gah-goo / furniture
그네 / geuh-neh / swing
학교 / hok-gyeo / school
고기 / go-gi / meat in general
나비 / nah-bi / butterfly
노란색 / no-lon-saek / yellow
주무시다 / joo-moo-si-dah / (someone who is older than you) sleep (verb)
드시다 / deu-si-dah / (someone who is older than you) eat (verb)
자녀 / jah-nyeo / children
너구리 / neo-goo-li / racoon
도둑 / doh-dook / thief
다시 / dah-si / again
드디어 / deu-di-uh / finally
두근두근 / doo-geun-doo-geun / heart's pounding sound
드라마 / deu-lah-mah / drama
마디 / mah-di / joint
간디 / gahn-di / Gandi
우유 / ooh-you / milk
좋아 / joe-ah / like (verb)
커피 / keo-pee / coffee
싫어 / si-leo / dislike (verb)
세상 / seh-sahng / world
아빠 / ah-ppah / father
아기 / ah-gi / baby
엄마 / um-mah / mother
뚱뚱해 / ttoong-ttoong-hae / be fat
날씬해 / nal-ssin-hae / be slim
귀여워 / gwe-yeo-wuh / be cute

Monday, November 19, 2012

Korean Class- Sitcom Reading & Filming

Hey all,

We are going to shoot a sitcom episode about "Cheating on a Test."
If you are interested in that, please shoot me an email ( by 3PM tomorrow in order for me to send you the script for practice. The script includes pronunciation of each letter in Korean.  Anybody can participate in this sitcom reading. We are going to practice reading and acting first earlier than the class time (around 6PM), and shoot during the class time (8PM).

Tomorrow's class on November 20 is at Johnson Center, 3rd Floor, Room F, George Mason University, Fairfax Campus.

Thank you!


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Korean Class- Making Japchae in 7 Minutes

7 잡채 만들기 ( Making Jap-Chae in 7 Minutes)

1. Prepare당면 (Sweet potato starch noodle) 150g, 쇠고기 (beef) 150g, 표고버섯 (shiitake mushroom) 3-4 , 당근 (carrot) 70g, 양파 (onion) 2/3, 시금치 (Spinach) 150g, 통깨 (sesame) , 계란 지단 (egg pancake)

2. Create sauce with ingredients- 간장 (soy sauce) 4T, 설탕 (sugar) 2.5T, 다진 (minced green onion) 2T, 다진 마늘 (minced garlic) 1T, 청주 (clear rice wine) 1T, 소금 (salt) 1/3t, 후추 (black pepper), 참기름 (sesame oil) 2T, (water) 3T

3. Soak 당면 in the

4. Slice all vegetables in thin stripes.

5. Mix all sauce ingredients.

6. Put oil into wok or frying pan.

7. Hand mix 쇠고기 and 표고버섯 with 3 Table spoons of sauce. And spread that mixture in the wok or frying pan.

8.  Mix water soaked 당면 and 3 Table spoons of sauce. Then put that 당면 on the top of 쇠고기 and 표고버섯 in the pan

9. Put sliced 양파 and 당근on the top of 당면 in the pan. And sprinkle 1Table spoon of sauce evenly.

10. Put 시금치 on the top of 양파 and 당근. And then sprinkle the rest of sauce on the top.

11. Cover the lid on the wok or frying pan and put it on high heat. Once it is boiled, lower it to mid heat for 3 minutes. Then lower it to low heat for 4 minutes until there is almost no more soup left on the bottom. It is better to have a glass lid to easily check inside the pan. For these 7 minutes, keep watching the pan.

12. When you open the lid, you will see other ingredients are well cooked and 시금치 turns into bright green. Don’t wait until시금치 to turn its color to yellow.

13. Mix all together with 참기름, 통깨, 계란 지단. Season some 소금 and 후추 to suit your taste.

14. A Final tip for left over 잡채: Soak Vietnamese rice paper into the water à put left over 잡채 and rolls this into a spring roll shapeà put oil around the frying pan and grill the rolls. Yum~!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Korean Class- Making Jap-Chae (Nov.6)

Hey all,

Getting through Hurricane Sandy, which troubled some parts of America, Korean Class with Jennifer is finally back on the track!

Tomorrow's KoreanClasswithJennifer will teach you how to make Japchae (Stir-fried sweet potato noodle).


This lesson is not that we are actually cooking but showing you how to make Japchae and learning related vocabulary in Korean. But teacher Jennifer is considering bring some Japchae.

See you tomorrow at Meeting room A, 3rd Floor, Johnson Center, George Mason University!
