Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Filming cancelled & Fall festival in Fairfax City

Hi everyone,

I hope you learn and have fun at my blogpost.
My entire film production crew planned to volunteer at "Fall for Fairfax" festival.
So it looks like I need to reschedule for filming Sitcom#2. And I initially said that we will post new sitcoms every week, but the film director rejected my idea with these reasons:

#1 His schedule is full
#2 I should have waited for uploading sitcoms until we film 5-6 episodes. How stupid I am :(

He recommends me to upload videos every 3 weeks. I hope you all understand this.

And on this Saturday, October 13, all IYF (International Youth Fellowship) will be at Fall Festival in Old Town Historic Fairfax. It will be open for public from 10 AM-5PM. Meet our KoreanClasswithJennifer crews and talk to you more on volunteer opportunities!

Here are some photos of our volunteer work at Asian Festival and Korean Festival~!

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