Friday, May 25, 2012

New Class Schedule (Korean + Taekwondo)

Annoucement- Updated Class Location and Time

Please check class locations! Class starts at 8PM and ends at 9PM
Tue, May 29, 2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Tue, Jun  05, 2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Tue, Jun  12, 2012 No Class (IYF chapter activity- English Camp Instructor in Haiti)
Tue, Jun  19, 2012 SUB II, Meeting Room VIP2, George Mason University- Fairfax
Tue, Jun  26, 2012 SUB II, Meeting Room VIP2, George Mason University- Fairfax
Tue, Jul    3,  2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Tue, Jul  10,  2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Tue, Jul  17,  2012 SUB II, Meeting Room VIP2, George Mason University- Fairfax
Tue, Jul  24,  2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Tue, Jul  31,  2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Tue, Aug  7,  2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Tue, Aug 14, 2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Tue, Aug 21, 2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Tue, Aug 28, 2012 No Class (IYF chapter activity- 2012 World Camp Participant in New York)

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