Friday, May 25, 2012

New Class Schedule- Fashion Academy

Please check updated schedule. The class starts from 12:30PM and ends at 1:30PM.

Sat, Jun    9,   2012 No class
Sat, Jun  16,   2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Sat, Jun  23,   2012 No class
Sat, Jun  30,   2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Sat, Jul     7,   2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Sat, Jul   14,   2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Sat, Jul   21,   2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Sat, Jul   28,   2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Sat, Aug   4,   2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Sat, Aug  11,  2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Sat, Aug  18,  2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Sat, Aug  25,  2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax

New Class Schedule (Korean + Taekwondo)

Annoucement- Updated Class Location and Time

Please check class locations! Class starts at 8PM and ends at 9PM
Tue, May 29, 2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Tue, Jun  05, 2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Tue, Jun  12, 2012 No Class (IYF chapter activity- English Camp Instructor in Haiti)
Tue, Jun  19, 2012 SUB II, Meeting Room VIP2, George Mason University- Fairfax
Tue, Jun  26, 2012 SUB II, Meeting Room VIP2, George Mason University- Fairfax
Tue, Jul    3,  2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Tue, Jul  10,  2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Tue, Jul  17,  2012 SUB II, Meeting Room VIP2, George Mason University- Fairfax
Tue, Jul  24,  2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Tue, Jul  31,  2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Tue, Aug  7,  2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Tue, Aug 14, 2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Tue, Aug 21, 2012 Johnson Center 239A, Freshman Center Seminar Room, George Mason U- Fairfax
Tue, Aug 28, 2012 No Class (IYF chapter activity- 2012 World Camp Participant in New York)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

No Class- May 22 (Korean/TaeKwonDo) & May 23 (Fashion)

Annoucement- No classes on May 22 (Korean/TaeKownDo) & May 23 (Fashion Coordinating)

Yay for many of you!
We don't have classes on May 22 and May 23.
Our teachers had conflicted schedule in those days.

I will post Fashion Coordinating class schedule next week.
I am in the middle of room reservation process.
Please feel free to send me any issues or interesting subjects you want to learn at:

Thank you all!


Monday, May 14, 2012

5/15 Class Topic Change

Tomorrow's class topic has been changed to basic greeting in Korean/ Taekwondo~!!
Some students had little trouble with basic Korean. We will help you!

The topic on "Korean Fashion" moved to the class at Johnson Center, room #243, from 12:30 PM to 1:30PM, Wednesday, May 16th, 2012. Every Wednesday, we will show you what Korean fashion is!

If you have any questions, please email Jennifer at

Thank you!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Contact Information

Dear all,

I forgot to ask your email or facebook id.

I can give you heads-up on class schedule and special events related to Korean class~!!

Please send your info to

I forgot to ask Kim Sun-Bi to give his email or facebook id, even his group pic. If you send your picture, I will photoshop to include you! :)

I will try to post your pics and videos by this weekend and Monday at the latest.

Thank you!

See you at the class.
