Tuesday, March 27, 2012

2012 Spring Class Schedule

2012 Spring Class Schedule
Learn as much as you can! It is up to you how much you take it out from this class.
This schedule is tentative and subject to change based on students’ interest
Week 1: April 3, 2012
Understanding K-Pop 1 (Video)
Starting with Consonants and Vowels
Basic Greeting and Farewell
Week 2: April 10, 2012
                Q&A posted on “KoreanClasswithJennifer.blogspot.com”
                Understanding K-Pop 2 (Video)
                Creating Sound by Mixing up with Consonants and Vowels

                Tae-Kwon-Do (Instructor: Matthew Park)
Week 3: April 17, 2012
                Q&A posted on “KoreanClasswithJennifer.blogspot.com”
                How to make Korean Dish 1 (Video)
                Useful Phrases at Korean Restaurants 1

                Tae-Kwon-Do (Instructor: Matthew Park)
 Week 4: April 24, 2012
                No Class   
Week 5: May 1, 2012
    Q&A posted on “KoreanClasswithJennifer.blogspot.com”
                How to make Korean Dish 2 (Video)
                Useful Phrases at Korean Restaurants 2

                Tae-Kwon-Do (Instructor: Matthew Park)
Week 6: May 15, 2012
    Q&A posted on “KoreanClasswithJennifer.blogspot.com”
                How to wear in Korean Celebrity Style 1
                Useful Phrases at Korean Clothing Stores 1
                Tae-Kwon-Do (Instructor: Matthew Park)
Week 7: May 22, 2012
    Q&A posted on “KoreanClasswithJennifer.blogspot.com”
                How to wear in Korean Celebrity Style 2
                Useful Phrases at Korean Clothing Stores 2

                Tae-Kwon-Do (Instructor: Matthew Park)


  1. Hey Jennifer! I'm about to be a Mason Alum, but I'll still be local for awhile and am very interested in TKD (1st Dan, Jhoon Rhee) and would like to know more of the Korean Language than just counting 1-10, please and thank you, etc. Can I join you guys on the 15th?

    Jon K

  2. Of course you can. See you on May 15 class! 졸업을 축하해요 (Congratulation on your graduation!)
